Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Good Day.

"God it's been a lovely day
Everything's been going my way
I took out the trash today and
I'm on FIRE...

...so you don't wanna hear about my good day?"

I can't get that song out of my head! Well, the whole Dresden Dolls CD in general. It's on repeat in my head, thus replacing Cake's "Haze of Love" and The Killers with "All the things that I've done" and "Love song for a girl" by Diana Ah Naid. Sometimes I get slightly creeped out when I have a series of songs in my head like that... is my head trying to tell me something?

And in other news, I'm having a good day, and I'M ON FIRE! Wow. So, ever since I worked out that I should just follow this particular registrar, who is, by the way, an excellent teacher, suddenly my life improved. I got to see some pretty interesting stuff again today and learn things. Then I went off to a lecture on Polyneuropathy (grrr... now I remember why I hate neuro so much) and got an invitation from one of the Anaesthetists to get taught intubation and spinal blocks and other kick ass things! I feel a lot less useless and overwhelmed now, which is good.

Given that I started my day with "I don't want to go to school"-itis (stomachache subtype), I'm quite happy with the way that this has all turned out.

Let me just make it clear that in my last post, I was referring to a phenomenon which only affects a minority of people- there aren't that many people who are weird and hostile about the foreign-born Sri Lankan business, it's just a few fairly loud ones more than anything. Most people are vaguely curious and very friendly.

Anyway, not much more to say. Off to Colombo this weekend. I'll try and update before that.


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